Gor Nersisyan became the first Europe Champion from Armenia.
WKF is the only organisation recognised by the International Olympic Comittee representing Karate. Only results of WKF championships are considered to be official. The representative of WKF in Armenia is Armenian National Karate Federation, which is recognized by the Minstry of Education, Sciense, Culture and Sport of Republic Armenia, is the member of Armenian National Plympic Comittee and has state support. Until Europe 2024 U21 championship Armenia had 2 silver and 4 bronze medals from WKF World and European campionships and had no gold medal before that.
Therefore, Gor Nersisyan becoming U21 European Cahmpion, also became the first official gold medalist in Armenian Karate history.
There were 49 countries participated in European Karate U21 Chapionship held in Tbilissi, Georgia, 8-11 of February.
Gor Nersisyan won 5 matches in category U21 -84kg and took Gold medal.
Gor Nersisyan is 20 years old, he is a student of Yerevan State University. His Personal Coach is Sargis Hovsepyan. The Head Coach of Armenian national karate team is Seryozha Makaryan.